
This past Thursday, March 26th, I was finally able to have my leg cast removed. it was actually supposed to be removed the week prior but my appointment was pushed back. I had surgery on February 4 and was in a non-weight bearing cast and wheelchair for the first 3 weeks, then that cast was removed and a walking cast put on.

I knew I’d see dead skin once the cast was removed, but I didn’t expect THAT much dead skin! Gross!

There is a long scar running up the back of my ankle, one running up the front of my ankle, and one on the inside of my foot. Scarring looks better today than even just a few day ago.

I’m now to wear my AFO (ankle foot orthosis) at all times when bearing weight. I’ve had this AFO since I was in the hospital after my stroke. And hated since the moment I wore it for the first time. It is really painful to wear with shoes and my toes curl downward when I stand/walk.

As soon as I got home from Dr. Shaw’s office on Thursday, I immediately ordered 2 new pair of shoes: one pair in my regular size 8 (for left foot), and one matching pair a size bigger (right). I’m really hoping the bigger shoe on my right foot helps with the toe curling/clawing. It not, I will have to find another solution. Not sure if a different AFO is needed or what, but I can’t walk with my toes so crunched. I’ve got the Hickies laces off most of the shoe holes so the shoe is loose but still the curling is still happening.

I’m also wearing heavy duty, tall compression socks to help with swelling. I be been wearing them since Thursday and the swelling is a little better. Which is a struggle for me because I’m wearing socks that don’t match 🤦🏻‍♀️.

So I’m thrilled to have the cast off and I do see improvement in the foot drop, but need to work out a solution for my long toes (my husband calls them my “monkey toes” because I’m able it pick things up off the floor with them 😂) I’m calling or texting Dr. Shaw on Monday to ask him what I can do for my toes if the bigger shoes don’t help.

COVID_19 – Grocery Shopping In A New World

I woke up very early today so I decided to go to Kroger, just to see what it would be like to go at opening hour. I didn’t really *need* anything (lol) but if I saw some hand sanitizer, I would buy it for sure.

Kroger now has an adjusted opening time of 7:00am and I got in the parking lot at 6:55. It was like what I would expect Black Friday on steroids to be (I don’t Black Friday shop unless it’s online). Not even a little bit joking. People were already lining up with grocery carts at both entrances before the store opened. I grabbed a small cart from the parking lot (also, I’ve started wearing a plastic glove before I go into a store now, taking it off after I load purchases in the trunk; then I clean with hand sanitizer when I get in the car) and got in the line on the pharmacy end of the store, which was filled with lots of space between people (✅ good job, everyone!).

The parking lot at 6:55am on a Wednesday
Waiting for the doors to open

The doors to the grocery side of the store were opened first at 7:00 (no clue if it’s like that every day). It was a couple of minutes before the doors on my end were opened. A man standing near me said “This is like that show Supermarket Sweep”. And it totally was. When the doors opened, people seemed to forget about the 6 foot distance altogether. I made sure to say “hello” and “thank you” to every employee I encountered. They are dealing with a lot right now and probably could use a few kind words.

I got inside and headed for the soap aisle on the off chance they had and hand sanitizer. I got to the aisle and a woman was stocking the shelves with it. I took 3 bottles, the limit set by Kroger (which should have been in force 3+ weeks ago, but hindsight is 20/20). As I got my 3 bottles, others were coming down to get some too. It was almost pointless for her to stock the shelves because people were taking it so fast. Then, just to see what it looked like, I headed for the paper products aisle. Utter madness, I tell you. People were standing back to back, no sense of order or organization, long gone was the 6 feet separation. I didn’t need anything, but if I did, I’d have had an issue.

At that point, I started wandering to certain areas in the store. Vegetables were pretty limited. One red onion, a few packs of Roma tomatoes, parsley, but a whole lot else.

Next I went to the meat section of the store. This looked like it had been hit by a tornado already. I got an enormous roast that I’ll cut in half and use for 2 meals. No ground beef was out. I didn’t check the chicken because we have some in the freezer already.

I had bought self rising flour yesterday by mistake so I got 2 small packs of all purpose flour. I can use the self rising flour but needed some AP flour too.

I didn’t even bother going down the cleaning aisle because (1) I have plenty of cleaning supplies and plan to make my own DIY reusable cleaning wipes, and (2), the area was PACKED with people.

There are certain items in the store that have a quantity limit of 3. While I’m all about getting what you need for your family, I think there should also be some limit to ensure there are enough products for everyone.

So, $100 and 46 minutes later (lol), I had several bags of snacky foods/chips/crackers, some highly-sought-after hand sanitizer, some veggies, a pumpkin roll for my husband (because he loves them), baking/bruschetta ingredients, shampoo, and a big roast.

If I needed specific items, I would probably make a plan to make separate, targeted trips. For instance, if I needed TP or paper towels, I would get there at opening and head right for that aisle. I would probably have to make trips a few times to hit the areas I needed items (paper products, meat, vegetables, cleaner, etc).

I’ve also implemented a house rule: when you come in the house, immediately wash your hands with soap and water and spray cleaner on s dish towel and wipe down anything you brought with you. I’ve wiped down the doors, doorknobs, the remotes, common surfaces.

This time of life is scary if you think too much about it. I feel like we are probably good on food and supply front. But if this continues and panic ensues, I can see a further lock down of everyone, keeping them at home. We all need to take a breath (I mean, not on anyone else, of course!) and remember that God is in control. Do what you can to protect yourself and help others when/if you can. If anyone needs anything that I may have, I’m more than happy to share. At this point I wouldn’t say we have an abundance of any one thing, but I’ll share if you’re in desperate need.

Stay home if it’s at all possible. I’ve been working from home (WAH) for the last 15 years so I have become more of a homebody. I only go out if I need to grab something at the grocery (my husband does the grocery shopping) or if I have a doctor appointment. My upcoming doctor appointments are being canceled at a rapid fire pace. I’m ok with it though. Severely disappointed that my surgery on 3/31 was canceled but I understand it. I was supposed to get my cast off tomorrow, but that was moved to next Thursday. I’ll DIY the cast removal if next week is canceled. 🤷🏻‍♀️

This too shall pass and hopefully we’ll all survive and be stronger for it. Take care of you and yours, help others if you are able. ❤️

I wonder if these kind of limits will continue in the future?

COVID19 -Christ Over Viral Infectious Diseases

So the talk of the town, state, nation, and world is #covid19. I have mixed feelings on it. I want to believe that it isn’t as bad as the media is making it out. But…what if?

I’ve been type 1 diabetic for the last 36 years. My control in the last 6 months is the best it’s ever been since my diagnosis in 1984, thanks completely to Looping. I like to think I’m living a pretty normal life, like any other adult. But being T1D puts me at slightly higher risk for everything. I get a flu shot every October. I have always washed my hands with soap and water, but am more diligent lately. I eat a pretty good diet. I take a daily multi-vitamin. But, I can be more susceptible because of T1D.

My Italian “brother” G (not biologically, but of the heart – he lived with my family as a foreign exchange student in 1990-1991) lives in Rome with his wife and 2 young children. He’s told me how bad it is in Italy, with hospitals having to make decisions to treat the previously-healthy COVID19 patients over those who have an underlying medical condition. (and I would be one of those people!) I can’t even begin to imagine.

I’ve worked from home (WAH) for the last 15 years. I’ve been “social distancing” myself long before it was cool. 😂 I’m just a homebody. I didn’t leave the house much before all this, but when I did/do, it’s pretty much to go to a doctor appointment. And where do sick people go? Yep. 🤷🏻‍♀️

But, I’m not afraid of getting COVID19. My last HBA1C was 5.7, so while I’m in the underlying medical condition category, I know I am healthier than I was just a few years ago. I’m more concerned of the ripple effects of COVID19. You see it now with the toilet paper shortage, with the stock market tanking. And really, I don’t get the TP shortage. I can understand that if you’re quarantined, that’s something you want to make sure you have on hand. But I’ve seen pictures of people buying a cart full of TP. You see it with the empty grocery shelves. We are doubling up (or going to try to) on non perishables for the next week or so, just in case we’re in a situation where we can’t get out. But I’m not rushing out to buy all the TP or milk (well, maybe I’d buy all the white chocolate macadamia cookie dough 😂). And I’m not even looking at my 401K until loooong after the stock market has had time to recover.

I have a really great supply of my insulin, Omnipods, Dexcom G6, oral medications (thanks to mail order for a 90 day supply!). But, no matter what, my hope is in Jesus Christ. While this certainly feels like an end times scenario, I know I’ll be fine. If the Lord decides to call me to heaven, it will be fine (great, even!). If He lets me stay on this side of heaven, it will be fine. It’s all going to be okay.

Jesus is my rock and my salvation (Psalms 62:6). The one I cling to, my refuge, my strength. I pray that if you don’t know the Lord, you’ll take the time now to create and cultivate that relationship. Really, it’s the thing I hope for in all of this. We’ll be okay, maybe it will be different, maybe life will return to “normal”. But it’s all going to be okay. This, I believe. ❤️

I saw this on Facebook and I don’t know who created it, but this I love it!!