Cycle 5

Hey, all! I’m currently receiving my 5th big chemo at CBC Group! Lots of information to update…

First off, I love my oncologist, Dr. Joseph. I pray you never need an oncologist but if you do, she is awesome. She comes in on her days off to meet with patients and is so dedicated to our care. I am so thankful that I ended up with her!

So the week after my last 2 big chemos I ended up in the hospital for the weekend. To try to prevent that from happening with this cycle we are doing the following:

1. Cutting back the dosage of Carboplatin and Taxotere
2. Moving my Neulasta shot to tomorrow instead of waiting till Monday
3. I’m coming in on Wednesday morning for fluids to keep me hydrated.

Following the big chemos my throat gets really irritated which makes it hard to eat and drink. I think this causes dehydration which isn’t good with my diabetes. I think the dehydration starts the cycle of vomiting which lands me in the hospital.

I’m going to have an ultrasound after the fluids on Wednesday. While the tumor appears to be gone or diminished there is a good sized, flat palpable mass. Dr. Joseph thinks it’s a hematoma but wants to check it out to be sure.

Now, I’ve told you that my nails never grew out until I started chemo. Weirdest thing ever but they are longer and stronger than they’ve ever been in my life. I noticed the last time I took my nail polish off that the nails looked a little greenish. I was removing a teal polish so I thought I just hadn’t gotten it all off my nails. Well, Dr. Joseph noticed my nails and said “Your nails are toast!” They are probably going to end up falling off. Possibly my toe nails too as the skin under the toe nail has been itchy the last couple of days.


But there’s good news! The way my cycles have been going is that on week 1 I have big chemo with Carboplatin, Taxotere, Perjeta and Herceptin and then weeks 2 and 3 I just have Herceptin. Well Dr. Joseph said that because I have tolerated the Herceptin so well I can triple up the last dose. This means that instead of having my last chemo on 12/26, I will have it on 12/12!!! I am less than a month away from being DONE with chemo!! Praise the Lord!!

The next big thing is that I need to wean myself off my ADD medicine at least 6 weeks prior to surgery. Surgery will be sometime in February so that means after my last chemo I’ll need to stop the Ritalin. Lord help me and everyone around me! I truly need the Ritalin so it’s going to be interesting not being on it for several weeks.

That’s about it from here. Thanks for your continued prayers. I thank God for each of you!

Love ya!

3 thoughts on “Cycle 5

  1. Yay for 12/12, but boo for your nails. They look painful. I’ll have to remember to call you in January for an interesting conversation while you’re off your add med. 😉 Stay witty & strong lady!!! We’re praying for you guys!


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