Post Op Update

Surgery (Achilles tendon splitting, tendon lengthening) was on Tuesday and it wasn’t awful. Not a walk in the park. Actually no walking at all lol! I’ve felt little stabs of pain all over, top of foot, bottom of foot, ankle, heel, calf. Since I’m in a cast I can’t even see where all the incisions are. Last night when I was in bed, I felt my foot twitching really hard a few times.

Day 2 (Thursday) was really rough pain-wise. I couldn’t even lay still without hurting all over. I was given Lortab, which I have learned does not work in me. The only thing it does is make me jittery and restless. So I didn’t sleep at all and ended up taking only 2 pills before switching to ibuprofen and acetaminophen, alternating them every 3 hours. Day 3 (Friday) I felt pretty good and managed not to need anything for pain. I only took Tuesday and Wednesday off work. When I have a similar surgery on my arm in a few weeks (date TBD) I’ll probably take the whole week off. By then, though, I’ll be in a walking cast so at least I’ll be more mobile. I will ask for something different for post-op pain for that surgery.

Speaking of uncomfortable , I hate the wheelchair. My butt has always been bony. I remember being little, sitting in my granny’s lap and her asking “Have you been eating razor blades for breakfast?” 😂 So I got my 2” foam stability pad and added it to the wheelchair. I also cannot maneuver it very well. It feels like I’m constantly parallel parking and FAILING at doing so! Parallel parking is NOT something I can do with any ease – I spend more time turning the wheel one way, then the other while thinking “I am smarter than this!” Rolling into my office and getting behind my desk is very much the same. (Hey, I know my strengths, and parallel parking is not on the list).

I hate the cast so much. My leg get really itchy and I can’t do a thing about it. Annoying! My mom said to use a letter opener to stick down in a cast to try to scratch those itches. I would do it but I think Dr. Shaw said he was using staples to close up the incisions. I can’t even imagine snagging a staple with a nail file. Or having to explain what I did at some point.

The cast is also really heavy and I can only put weight on my left leg. So my left leg is getting really tired early in the day. Basically I’m doing one legged squats every time I transition to stand on my left leg from the bed to the wheelchair and the wheelchair to the couch, wheelchair to the toilet/shower. Also, my toes are exposed out of the cast, and is winter so they get a little cold. So I found a fuzzy, unstructured sock that I’ve been able to wedge over the cast. It’s pUKe blue (🤮) and the texture drives me nuts but whatev. 🤷🏻‍♀️

The funniest thing about this week has been our dog, Lexie’s, response to me. Normally, if I’m sitting on the couch, Lexie sits on the love seat or her “room” (cage). But since I got home after surgery, she has been by my side if I’m on the couch. If I’m rolling around in the wheelchair, she’s behind me (I mean, she’s probably seen me nail the walls and doorframes, so it might be out of self-preservation). 😂😂😂😂😂 This is not typical Lexie behavior. She likes to be close (same room) but doesn’t sit next to me ever. She will sit next to Tony, but not me. (He gives her treats, so s jogs likes him more – lol!). But, it’s been really sweet to see her act like a therapy/recovery dog.

In other news, apparently February is “foot issue month”. Two years ago this week I fractured my right foot.

19 days till I get the cast off, but who’s counting? (ME, I’M COUNTING!)



My bony butt-saving cushion:

My ride or die, fake therapy dog, Lexie:

My Facebook memory two years ago:

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