Post Surgery Update

Today was my follow up with Dr. Shaw to have my yucky blue cast removed and a “walking” cast put on. I wasn’t sure what to expect because Dr. Google told me it could be a “boot” or a regular cast. I was hoping for a boot just because then I could shave my right leg. But, it was not meant to be.

I was horrified to see the UK blue cast after surgery. This University of Louisville ❤️🖤 girl did not like it one little bit. My University of Kentucky-loving bFf, Jaime, on the other hand, LOVED the blue. Yuck. Whatever, I told myself, it’s only 3-1/2 weeks. So today when I went to my appointment, the nurse asked me if I had a color preference for the next cast. My response? “Anything but blue!” She said “Ummmm…”. And at that point I just knew that I was destined to have a blue cast. It’s actually Carolina blue so at least there’s that. 🤷🏻‍♀️

Dr. Shaw said the ankle and foot looked really good. He put in staples on the inside of my ankle, dissolvable stitches on the outside lower ankle and regular stitches on the outside upper ankle. Today his nurse removed the staples and the regular stitches.

I tried counting the number of staples as they hit the metal bin, but lost count along the way. I think it was 13-18 staples. I was laying flat, so I couldn’t see what my ankle and foot looked like, but he said there was a lot of bruising. I will wear the Carolina blue cast for 3 weeks and then move to an AFO (ankle-foot orthotic) for 8 months.

I don’t know what the results will be like for me. I’ve tried not to set my expectations too high or hope for too much, so as not to end up too disappointed. There are some things I hope and pray will happen for me. I kind of have them ranked in order of desire and possibility.

First, I want to be able to walk without being afraid of tripping. This surgery should at the very least allow me to do this.

Second, I would like to be able to drive with my right foot again. Currently I drive with my left foot, but I don’t know that I’d be able to rent a car with accommodations to drive that way or not. I feel like maybe it’s possible (ADA and all) but I am sure it’s not something that’s easy to do.

Third, I’d like to be able to jog or run. At the very least, walk fast. This one is the furthest out on my timeline because I just don’t know if it will be possible or when. I wasn’t a runner before I had my stroke, so I don’t pretend that I’ll like it if I’m ever able to do it, but it’s a hope. 🙏🏻

Fourth, wear some cute shoes! I have been in athletic shoes for three freaking years. Mama needs some cute shoes to wear!

I will have the second surgery on March 31st. This surgery will be on my forearm and elbow. It will be a release of the elbow flexors, biceps and brachial with Botox (not in my forehead!), fractional lengthening of flexor digitorum profundus and flexor pollicis lobby’s, and z-plasty flexor digitorum sublimis. All that is a lot of medical stuff but basically it’s tendon lengthening in the arm. I always ask for any leftover Botox for my forehead. So far, I have had no luck in getting any. 🤷🏻‍♀️

I walked around the house today after getting home from Dr. Shaw’s office. It’s very strange. I haven’t put weight on my right leg in 3-1/2 weeks but it is definitely uncomfortable walking around. I mean, I’m thrilled not to be in a wheelchair, banging every wall, doorway, piece of furniture, and appliance with the wheelchair (true story – there are black marks on most of the door frames to prove it!). But walking for the next 3 weeks is going to be uncomfortable in this cast. But, by the time I have my arm surgery on 3/31, I should be walking cast-free. And hopefully walking better! 🙏🏻

The first cast, which I called it the “pUKe blue”.
Carolina blue cast
Before Carolina blue was put on, I snapped this pic from my laying position – looks yucky!
My non-matching ugly cast shoe
The poor door frames need a paint touch up

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